4-day Covered Cal extension

Covered California is once again giving consumers a bit of a break on the enrollment deadline for health coverage. In what has become an annual tradition, the final deadline for enrollment has been extended by four days -- for those who at least begin the process. "Experience tells us that people wait until the last day to sign up for health insurance, and we do not want to leave anyone behind," says Peter Lee, who heads the state ... (More)

Covered Cal: Enrollments steady

The threatened destruction of Obamacare hasn't kept consumers from signing up for health care via Covered California. As of Jan. 23, 322,014 people have newly enrolled in a health plan via the state Obamacare operation since Nov. 1, keeping pace with the enrollment posted a year ago. "While people are worried, the uncertainty is not preventing them from enrolling or renewing in coverage for 2017," Covered California chief Peter ... (More)

Waiver for illegals pulled by state

At the dawn of the Trump administration, California officials have withdrawn their request to provide illegal immigrants with Obamacare services. State Sen. Ricardo Lara, left, who sponsored the state legislation that supported the immigrant health-care signups, said the move was the "first California casualty of the Trump presidency." Lara linked the move with fears of deportation based on candidate Donald Trump's stated intent ... (More)

209,000 jobs at stake in California

The threatened repeal of the Affordable Care Act could cost California as many as 209,000 jobs, researchers at UC Berkeley predict. The total cost to the state GDP of axing Obamacare -- a move backed by President-elect Donald Trump -- would be more than $20 billion, according to a report from the university's Center for Labor Research and Education. The damage won't stop there, researchers warn. State and local governments would ... (More)

Tax-credit jeopardy for 24,000

An error by Covered California has left about 24,000 policy holders at risk of losing their federal tax credits in January if they don't give the state health insurance exchange permission to verify their income. Covered California is engaged in a last-minute scramble to reach those individuals and families before the end of the month, spokeswoman Lizelda Lopez said. For policy holders who don't give the agency their consent by ... (More)