About Affordable Health California

The web site Affordable Health California seeks to provide the latest and most reliable information about the massive changes under way in our health insurance system.

These changes are occurring under the federal Affordable Care Act, whose major provisions go into effect Jan. 1, 2014.

Affordable Health California is an independent journalistic web site with no political agenda. We do not pretend to be an “official” government site. We do not sell insurance nor do we recommend policies for profit. We are not affiliated with any corporation.

This web site is published by Internet Forestry, the Los Angeles-based creators of Hands Free Info — which has tracked distracted driving laws and legislation since 2008. IF publishes another established health site, about transmission of the virus hepatitis C.

Our writers and editors come with decades of journalistic experience on newspapers, magazines and web sites.

These are exciting times in California, one of the lead states in this health care transformation. Please consider signing up for our e-mail newsletter to get the latest news on the Affordable Care Act as it breaks.

Your feedback is always welcome.

(Please read the site disclaimer for more information about who we are and who we aren’t.)